Southdown tenant

It is important to us that our tenants, as well as other stakeholders, are able to openly access information to review our performance as a landlord to provide safe and secure homes.

As well as the information provided on this page, you may also find information in the Openness and Transparency page on our website useful.

Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) Results for 2023-24

The Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) have been introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing in England as a means of assessing how well landlords are doing in providing good quality homes and services. To comply with this new reporting and gain feedback on our performance as a landlord, we shared a survey with our tenants and clients of our care and support services over the summer of 2023.  Download our Tenant Satisfaction Measures Report for 2023-2024 here for more information.   


In April 2024, we completed 90.70% of emergency repairs within the target of 24 hours.

  • 91.36% of our urgent repairs were completed within the target timescale of 7 working days. This is very close to our target of 90%.
  • 99.32% of standard jobs were completed within our timescale of 28 working days. Our target is 90% completed within target.


The information below is for April 2024 and shows that we are 99.32% compliant overall.

Compliance April 2024
  • Vehicle Lifting Equipment (LOLER): There was one LOLER inspection outstanding at the end of April 2024.  This has been booked in for 9th May 2024.
  • Fire Equipment Servicing: Triangle Fire Systems have surveyed Southdown Court for the location of the booster pump set. Until it is installed, they won’t issue a compliant certificate. Before they can install the booster pump set, a dedicated power supply is required, so our electrical contractor will be surveying.

Your right to safety and compliance certification

You have a right to request any of the following in relation to your property or block:

  • Fire Risk Assessment (commissioned annually)
  • EICR – Electrical safety certificate (commissioned every five years)
  • Gas Saf​ety Certificate (commissioned annually in properties with a gas supply)
  • EPC Certificate (showing the energy performance of your property)

If you do want us to send certification to you, please complete this online form. Our default will be to email the documentation to you but if you do not have access to email please tick the box to say so and we will send the documentation via post.


There were no new complaints in April 2024.

Our Annual Review of Tenants’ Complaints for 2022-23 is available to download on our website here. In addition, you can view our Complaints Handling Self-Assessment 2024 against the Housing Ombudsman Code here.

Rent Arrears

In April 2024, our tenant contribution arrears were £72,852.41.  This figure is equivalent to 1.51% of our rental income.  The benchmark standard for tenant contribution arrears for Housing Associations is 2% of rental income.
