A man is sat at a table inside with a laptop in front of him. Behind him is a window and a plant.

“I’ve had amazing experiences working at Southdown services”

Mark is the Service Manager for Staying Well East Sussex. He tells us about his career journey at Southdown, starting as a Support Worker in our Learning Disability Services, to working in our Mental Health Support Services.

A white man with a smooth head and a grey beard is sitting on a garden bench. He is dressed in black and has a black bag next to him.

“Opening up took away the burden that I was carrying”

Simon is a Peer Support Worker at our Staying Well Brighton & Hove service. He tells us how his own experiences have led him to working in the mental health sector.

A woman with dark brown-black hair wearing glasses and a bright red lip, smiles broadly at the camera in a cafe

“I felt I could really make a difference”

Alice received support from our Employment Support service and is now a Peer Tutor at our Recovery College. Read her story to find out how she is supporting students with autism.

A very smiley woman with her hair in a bun is looking directly at the camera. She is in an office with her laptop open.

“Often an individual’s mental health needs require more than just a prescription”

Jess is a Mental Health Support Coordinator for the Emotional Wellbeing Service. In this story, she shares what it’s like to be integrated with other services and how that benefits patients.

Three people are on the top floor of a multi-storey car park. The sky is blue.

“It’s about trying to keep warm and safe”

Our Digital Solutions Programme Manager, Sam, shares what happened when she and Chief Executive, Neil Blanchard, shadowed the Move On and Outreach Team on an early morning walk around to support rough sleepers around Eastbourne.

A white woman with dark hair and wearing a black t-shirt sits in an art room with her hand on her head. She is watching a client make art.

“I think it’s important to recognise someone’s abilities”

Dee is an Activities Coordinator at one of our Learning Disability Support services. In this story, she tells us what her role entails and how it benefits clients.

A woman with auburn hair, wearing glasses, is sitting at a garden table, looking at papers

“I get a lot of job satisfaction helping clients work with their My Plan”

Service Manager, Gemma, tells us how important and beneficial a My Plan is for clients with learning disabilities.

A woman with long blonde hair wears a grey t-shirt. She has a tattoo on her arm and is smiling broadly to the camera. Next to her is a man with a purple shirt and glasses. He is also smiling to the camera. They are both standing in front of a wall and ivy.

“Each individual client’s choices and needs are nurtured”

Our Positive Behaviour Support Team share how they support our clients to live full, high quality lives, in our Learning Disability Support services.

A man with a white beard and white shirt sits in the sun looking directly at the camera

“I’m very proud to work for Southdown”

As part of Southdown’s 50th Anniversary celebrations, we spoke to Brian, who has worked in our Learning Disability Support services for over three decades.

A white man with fair skin looks directly at the camera with a smile. He is wearing a blue and green jumper.

“I am 17 years in personal recovery from gambling addiction”

The Brighton & Hove Recovery College is partnering with Breakeven to provide workshops for people or family members affected by problem gambling. We spoke to facilitator Neil, about the upcoming course.

A woman with blonde hair and glasses smiles widely at the camera. Her two colleagues sit at their computers behind her. They are in an office.

“We’re an applicant’s first port of call”

We spoke to members of Southdown’s Recruitment Team to find out more about the recruitment process.

A woman with bobbed brown hair smiles at the camera. She is wearing a teal cardigan and white t-shirt and is surrounded by bluebells in a wood.

“We can learn a lot about ourselves through other peoples’ stories”

In this story our Communications Officer, Vaska, tells us why it’s so important to listen to other people’s experiences.