Colin Farmer
Title: Director of Finance and Business Performance
Team: Executive Team
Colin is a chartered accountant and experienced Finance Director who has worked in the NHS, charitable and private sectors. He spent 10 years in private sector logistics before moving into the NHS. During his 18 years with the NHS, he worked with supply chain management, ambulance and community health care provider organisations.
He joined Southdown in July 2017 where his main priorities are to ensure our business remains financially viable and able to deal with the challenges we face in the years ahead. This is essential to ensure we are able to use sustainable service delivery models, extend our reach and support more people to live independently.
Colin also leads the ICT function and he is determined to ensure our ICT services and infrastructure are robust and fit for purpose. This is a key enabler to help our front line services provide high quality support to our clients.
“I have always been passionate about the care and support for people to live independently, make life choices and fulfil their ambitions. I am overjoyed to be part of such a caring organisation that aims to support people to live fuller lives.”
Telephone: 01273 405 800