Neil Blanchard

Neil Blanchard

Title: Chief Executive
Team: Executive Team

Neil originally qualified as a chartered surveyor and worked for a number of years in commercial property development and management. Since 1993, he has worked in the social housing and community care sectors, specialising in providing services to vulnerable people including learning disabilities, homelessness, young people, supported employment and mental health.

He joined Southdown in May 2001 in a senior management role, becoming a Director in 2002 and Chief Executive in April 2014. He is a member of the Chartered Institute of Housing.

In addition to his role within Southdown, he is committed to helping shape and influence the wider supported housing and social care sectors. He is a member of the National Housing Federation’s Health and Housing group which supports the development of new policy across health, care and support as they relate to housing. At a local level, he participates in a range of networks and working groups as part of the integration of health and social care services, promoting and advocating the role that the not-for-profit sector can play in delivery of new and cost effective models of provision.

He says, “I passionately believe that a true indicator of a civilised and caring society is how it treats and supports its most vulnerable citizens. This is a core reason why Southdown was established over 50 years ago. Although we currently face many external challenges, and ever increasing demand on our services, we remain true to our founding mission and ethos; to speak out for the interests of our clients and support them to live their life well.”