A woman is sitting down on a sofa in a living room. She is smiling whilst looking at the camera.

I like dancing and singing to Mamma Mia.

”I enjoy running around”

This year’s theme for Mental Health Awareness Week is movement. We spoke to one of our clients about the activities they enjoy and why they find them important.

“I walk. I walk to the shops and I like to walk to the train station to go to London. In August I’m going to see ‘Matilda’ with my Support Worker in London. I’m excited about that.

I also go swimming. I like the wave machine, it’s fun! And I enjoy running around in Ninja Warrior Adventure Centre. There’s a slide and things you can jump on there.

I like dancing and singing to Mamma Mia – I’ve got the DVD.

And I go horse riding every week. My Support Worker drives me there. It’s good. I like trotting. I’ve got a favourite horse called Leo. I like horses.”

Southdown manages supported living services across Sussex. Supported living is where an individual owns or rents their own home and has control over how they live their life. Accommodation and support is provided separately. It can be very different for different people. For one person, supported living might be a few hours of support a week to enable them to live independently by themselves in a rented flat. For another it may be around the clock support in a shared house or self-contained flat.

This story is part of our Southdown Stories project where we highlight the fantastic and valuable work going on across the organisation whilst raising awareness of the challenges our clients face and challenging social stigma and taboos.