Introducing our refreshed UOK website

Posted on 13 May 2024

To mark Mental Health Awareness Week, the team at Southdown is delighted to share a refreshed website for the UOK network of mental health support across Brighton & Hove.

In the coming weeks, we’ll be updating the site to include information about the UOK East Sussex network of mental health support. We’ll also be working closely with our UOK partners and people with lived experience of mental health support to develop the site over the year.

Take a look at the UOK website here.

Alice Clements, our Communications Manager, says, “Refreshing the website for the UOK network across Brighton & Hove and East Sussex is a great step towards providing better access to mental health support. The site provides easy access to information about local mental health support, resources, and how to get help in a mental health crisis.

“It also includes a ‘stories’ section featuring people connected to UOK – people who provide support, people who access support, and dedicated volunteers. By sharing their experiences, individuals not only tell their stories but also help create a kinder and more understanding society that talks openly about mental health. Thank you to everybody who has shared their stories with us and has been involved in developing the site.”

Alice adds, “It’s essential to keep updating and improving online information to ensure that people can easily find the support they need. As well as updating the UOK website, we’re working collaboratively with the Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, local authorities, and providers across Sussex to improve the way we collectively communicate about mental health support.”