Sussex-wide campaign asks: ‘How Are You Really Feeling?’
A new campaign has launched in Sussex to encourage people to look after their mental wellbeing over the winter months and seek support when needed. As a proud sponsor of this campaign, Southdown is committed to supporting initiatives that make mental health support more accessible and foster a culture where talking about mental wellbeing is […]
Online mental health support service, Qwell, joins Southdown’s UOK partnership
Southdown has chosen Qwell, a personalised digital mental health service for adults provided by Kooth, to join the UOK partnership.
Festive Fun at Southdown’s Learning Disability Service Christmas Carol Concert
Our Learning Disability Service hosted its much-loved annual Christmas Carol Concert on Thursday 4th December
UOK Brighton & Hove Celebrates Five Years of Community Mental Health Support
Southdown, as the Lead Provider of the network, organised the event which brought together partners, clients and staff members to celebrate the special milestone. Last week, we came together to celebrate a significant milestone for UOK Brighton & Hove – five years of dedicated mental health support for our community. This heartfelt event marked the […]
Sussex VCSE Mental Health Strategic Leadership Group – latest update
The Sussex VCSE Mental Health Strategic Leadership Group shares an open letter it has sent to the NHS Sussex Integrated Care Board aligned to recent financial challenges facing the VCSE sector.
Michael Barford Appointed as Chief Finance Officer of Southdown
Southdown is pleased to announce the appointment of Michael Barford as its new Chief Finance Officer.
UOK East Sussex Wellbeing Service Tender Partner Opportunity Event
As Lead Provider for UOK East Sussex, Southdown is hosting an online partner briefing session for the UOK East Sussex Wellbeing Service Tender.
Reflections on being a Mental Health Support Services’ Lead Provider
To mark the fifth anniversary of being Lead Provider for the UOK mental health network, our Chief Executive, Neil Blanchard, reflects on what inspired Southdown to take on the role and how the model has made a difference.
Mental Health Support Services Partner Engagement Workshops
We look forward to welcoming partner organisations and champions of mental health across Brighton and Hove and West Sussex to be part of a collaborative process to help shape the future provision of community mental health support services.
A seat at the table: reflections from a first-time Board member
Tara Osbourne Wallace, who recently stepped down from Southdown’s Board, reflects on her experience as a Board member over the past two years.
Sussex VCSE Mental Health Strategic Leadership Group: Review and Future Goals
The VCSE (Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise) Mental Health Strategic Leadership shares its priorities, achievements in 2023-24, and future goals to promote and expand the role of the VCSE to shape and deliver community mental health services across Sussex.
Top 30 Family-Friendly Employer for 12th year
We are delighted to share that the national charity for working parents and carers, Working Families, has announced that, for the 12th year running, we’ve been awarded a place on its list of the top family-friendly employers in the UK.