Close up photo of person looking to the right, gazing out of window

Southdown Steps

Accommodation, housing management and tenancy support for people who have been homeless or living in temporary or supported accommodation

Photo of client sitting in bus shelter side by side between two workers, looking at a form together

Rough Sleeping Initiative and Complex Needs Homeless Service

Support for people who are sleeping rough or at imminent risk of being homeless.

Southdown's Pathways Home team are standing outside and are smiling at the camera.

Pathways Home

Short term, goal orientated housing support for single people and families.

Close up photo of someone sitting on beach smiling to camera with Kemptown seafront buildings in the background.

Transition & Resettlement Service

Supporting people to transition and successfully settle into independent accommodation.

Photo of two people sat talking. Back of head of person in foreground sat with a laptop, other person is facing them sitting on a sofa, in conversation.

Discharge to Assess

Support and accommodation for people ready to leave mental health inpatient settings.