A white man in his wheelchair is campaigning for his political party on the beach in full sunshine.

In 2019 I was asked to write a speech about disability rights and I read it out at the Labour Party convention.

“I feel part of the community”

Can you describe your quality of life? Do you enjoy your life here?

My quality of life is great and I enjoy living in my flat.

What are your favourite activities to do?

I like volunteering with the Labour party and attending events run by them. I like bingo, bowling and going to church. I enjoy the beach and train trips to London.

Why do you like doing them?

It makes me feel happy.

Why are they important to you?

Because I feel part of the community. I’m passionate about fairness, human rights and equality.

What are you most proud of?

In 2019 I was asked to write a speech about disability rights and my Support Worker and I read it out at the Labour Party convention.

Southdown manages supported living services across Sussex. Supported living is where an individual owns or rents their own home and has control over the support they get and how they live their lives.
Accommodation and support is provided separately. It can be very different for different people. For one person, supported living might be a few hours of support a week to enable them to live independently by themselves in a rented flat. For another it may be around the clock support in a shared house or self-contained flat.