Board Member Shares Fond Farewell

Posted on 3 June 2024

Board member, Michelle Baker, shares a fond farewell to Southdown as she takes on a new position at the Regulator of Social Housing.

”Southdown holds a special place in my heart. I vividly remember the nerve-wracking wait for my board member interview back in 2022. While sitting in reception, I noticed all the accessible documents neatly laid out, and I immediately knew that this was where I truly wanted to work.

Being a parent of two disabled children, I am passionate about the services Southdown delivers. It was an opportunity to be part of a fabulous organisation with values that aligned with my own. I was dedicated to the cause, willing to travel from Braintree, Essex to Lewes at my own expense for meetings because nothing was going to stop me from being part of something truly amazing.

Southdown did not disappoint. I quickly learned that it was an innovative, passionate, and determined organisation. In a challenging sector, it was refreshing to see Southdown excel in such a remarkable way. The amazing staff at Southdown are truly the backbone of the organisation. I have had the pleasure of meeting a few of you during my time here, and I have seen first-hand the dedication and commitment you all have in delivering exceptional services.

When I joined Southdown, I had only held one board position for my own landlord. Southdown took a chance on me and provided me with the opportunity to grow further. Sadly, due to a new role as a financial analyst for small providers at the Regulator of social housing, I must now relinquish all of my board roles. Of all the farewells I must bid, saying goodbye to Southdown has been the most difficult. 

Southdown has been instrumental in complementing my skills as an accountant and preparing me for my new role. As an organisation, you give me hope – hope for the future, hope that the world will finally start to see individuals who have long been hidden from society. You give me hope that my children will grow up in a world that accepts and appreciates them for the incredible beings they are.

Never underestimate the impactful work you all do at Southdown. I will truly miss each and every one of you. Thank you for the memories, the growth, and the invaluable experiences.”

Pauline Ford, Chair of Southdown’s Board says: “Michelle has been deeply committed to her role and to Southdown and has helped spread the word on the conference circuit of the great things the teams do with clients and tenants.  She will be missed by the Board but we are all delighted that the Regulator of Social Housing will benefit from her passion and experience.”

For information on Southdown’s Board click here.