‘Good’ CQC rating for our Supported Living Learning Disability Services
Posted on 7 September 2021
Prior to the covid-pandemic, we were required to register our 26 Supported Living learning disability services as single services with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) rather than grouped as one entity. As a result, each service needs to be individually inspected.
Following a hiatus due to the pandemic, the CQC has now inspected three of our services over the past nine months, all of which have been rated as ‘Good’.
Our Princes Crescent service in Brighton and South Farm Road service in Worthing had their inspections just before Christmas, and, most recently, our Milchester service in Seaford had theirs just a few weeks ago in early August.
Excerpts from the services’ CQC inspection reports include:
- “People’s needs and preferences were considered and care plans were clear and detailed to guide staff in how to provide care safely and in the way that people preferred.” – Princes Crescent
- “Staff were kind and caring and people and their relatives told us they were happy with the care provided. One relative said, “They couldn’t do more than they are doing.” – Princes Crescent
- “The manager and staff were motivated and proud of the service they provided. Staff felt supported, valued and able to share their opinions.” South Farm Road
- “People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests.” – South Farm Road
- “Staff were proactive in ensuring that people could access health care services and supported them to live healthier lives.” – Milchester
- “Staff knew people well and treated them with kindness, respect, and involved them in making decisions. ” – .Milchester
- Staff also spoke highly of the registered manager and the provider. One staff member told us, “It’s a lovely place to work and everyone enjoys living and working here”. – Milchester
Sharon Clare, Director of Learning Disability Services said:
This is an incredible achievement and demonstrates how services have maintained quality of support whilst managing the additional pressures bought about by the pandemic. Well done to the managers and staff from all three services!”
Our Chief Executive, Neil Blanchard, added:
I get to receive the first copies of the assessment results and I am always so proud to read the positive accounts of the care and support staff provide to our clients, as well as the innovations and personalisation of activities.”
All our CQC reports are available to download and read here.